• 9 апреля 2011, суббота
  • Москва, Москва, ул. 3-я Тверская-Ямская, д.21/23

Russian club for expats

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Разговорные клубы LingvED
4776 дней назад
9 апреля 2011 c 16:30 до 18:00
Москва, ул. 3-я Тверская-Ямская, д.21/23

We invite you to spend a good time brushing up your Russian speaking skills. Enterance is free, just bring something like cookies☺

Hello everyone, my name is Nadia.

I have lots of friends from various countries that have come to Russia and would like to speak Russian. Unfortunately, the local people only want to talk with them in their foreign language and language schools only offer individual classes. Therefore, I have decided to create an alternative type of community, a conversation club.

The conversation club will be a place where people come together to talk to each other, to find out new things about the language and culture that they love.

My main line of work is conversational language clubs for Russians. I organise meetings where people can practise their conversational skills in English, German and Spanish. Therefore, on the whole, I would like to think that I am quite capable of organising similar meetings.

I invite you to our Russian conversation club, put together with the effort of my friends and I. We will help you to find out more about the Russian language, teach you some general conversational constructions and try to rescue you from the difficulties in understanding various phrases. In general we will do everything we can to help improve your Russian.

The meetings will be held on Saturdays from 16:30 – 18:00.

The meetings are free, simply bring along some biscuits to go with your tea.

Please sign up for each and every meeting so that we can prepare for the meetings correctly and also have the ability to inform you of any changes due to unforeseen circumstances.

Come along and bring with you any of your expat friends.

You are welcome to call me with any questions you may have.

My name is Nadia and I speak both Russian and English.

Here is the address and directions: 21/23, 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya street (you enter the courtyard through the arch and there’ll be a door with a lantern on your left, small banner LingvED)
Mayakovskaya station, 3 min. away from the station

Встреча проходит по адресу:

м. Маяковская, 250м. от станции
ул. 3-я Тверская-Ямская, д.21/23

Как добраться: выход из ст. метро "Маяковская" в сторону улиц: 1-ая Тверская-Ямская, 2-ая Тверская-ямская, после театрального киоска повернуть направо, прямо до второго поворота, на повороте налево 50 метров мимо Копицентра, Бытовой техники, вход в арку с черными воротами, из арки налево — есть табличка LingvED

+7 (916) 350-53-68 Надя
До встречи в клубе!


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